Some tricky Queries in database | Techbirds

Posted on: December 6, 2013 /

Categories: Tutorials / Author Name: Ankit Shukla

Hi Everyone,

In database normally we stuck over some problem  like :

1 . To retrieve the  n max column field or record from table .

So here is generic formula :

Select max(column_name ) from table t1  where salary Not In

(select distinct top(n-1) column_name from table t1 ORDER BY column_name DESC )  ;

Example :

-To retrieve the  3 max salary from employee table .

Select max(salary) from employee where salary Not In

(select distinct top 2 salary from employee order by salary DESC );

2. To retrieve the n max column field or record from table .but there is a condition  

To improve performance USE WINDOWS FUNCTION with PARTITION BY .

1. RANK :

Rank assign unique no for each row starting with 1 , except for those who have duplicates

Values assigning the same rank and a gap appear for next row assignment.


ROW_NUMBER assign unique no for each row starting with 1 .For rows having duplicate

values, numbers are arbitrary assigned .


DENSE_RANK assign unique no for each row starting with 1 except for those who have duplicates

Values assigning the same rank but a gap will not be appear for next row assignment.

: This is the basic difference between DENSE_RANK & RANK.

Example :

1 JAVA 94.99
2 .NET 91.22
3 SAP 95.92
4 ANDROID 91.99
5 ROBOTICS 94.99

-now question is retrieve the  n max fees from course table .

– Select fees from (select fees ROW_NUMBER ( ) over ( partition by fees

Order by fees DESC ) as rownum  from course )    where rownum  =  n + X.

– Select fees from (select fees RANK over ( partition by fees

Order by fees DESC ) as rank from course ) where rank  =  n + X  .

Select fees from (select fees DENSE_RANK ()  over ( partition by fees

Order by fees DESC ) as denserank  from course ) where denserank =  n .


Example : for 3 max , X value will be ( 2 – 1) = 1 .

Rank variable value is ( 3 + ( 2 – 1) ) =  4 .

Row_number  variable value is ( 3 + ( 2 – 1) ) =  4 .

  • For above course table windows function  values as follows :
1 JAVA 94.99 95.92 1 1 1
2 .NET 91.22 94.99 2 2 2
3 SAP 95.92 94.99 2 3 2
4 ANDROID 91.99 91.99 4 4 3
5 ROBOTICS 94.99 91.22 5 5 4
  • From all 3 windows function DENSE_RANK  is perfect one because for others  2 we should

Know the no of duplicates records regarding each column  value , which  is hard to know  .

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